AI and the Swiss direct democracy

While our focus is on representative democracy,
it's worth learning how AI might be used to strengthen a modern direct democracy, like Switzerland's.
All of the articles below are from

Is digital democracy too risky, or the chance of a generation?

By Jan 19, 2018

"Long dormant, the issue of digital democracy is picking up speed in Switzerland. Two camps are facing off against each other: those who wish to adapt democratic instruments to the realities of the 21st century, and an alliance of traditionalists and security experts."

Artificial intelligence's march to the ballot box

By Apr 23, 2021

"A research group at the University of Geneva is exploring the idea of an AI-powered democracy. Swiss citizens are being asked to set their boundaries."

The uncanny reinvention of autocracy

By Nov 30, 2022

"The new generation of undemocratic rulers fear neither elections nor citizen participation in public life. But they forget people’s desire for freedom, says the Global State of Democracy 2022 report published on Wednesday."